See updated post on the virtual Zilch card and its lower referral reward points.

Thanks for visiting Healthy Woman, and apologies that I have only just seen this after the recent new Zilch website, or change of domain, because they have reduced their original sign up of £15 to £10 (and now £5), which is a significant reduction. However, free money is free money and we need everything that we can possibly get in this lifetime, so I would still encourage you to sign up to the Zilch card to earn your 1000 (500) reward points .

I apologise to all of those people who visit my blog posts where it promises that you will receive 1500 reward points, which is equivalent to £15. Very sorry. I will leave the links as they are, because it all takes time to make edits and it’s time I do not have.

I have no idea when Zilch reduced their sign up bonus. I wish companies like this would not steal from their customers, as they will be making a lot through affiliate links.

Please note, Zilch Card is NOT an affiliate website. I am not affiliated with any of the merchants that I promote through Zilch. If you sign up through my referral code, you will receive £10 (£5) and I will receive £10 (£5), but only to spend as points through the thousands of merchants on Zilch.

As a bonus, they still offer 2% cashback with every ‘pay it all now’ purchase.

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