cancer treatment

Is there a free cancer treatment available today? Yes there is. It’s called urine.

Modern medicine would state there is nothing, because evil big pharma will suppress any natural cancer treatment that does not come from a vaccine or drug.

Are you not tired by the same lie from Cancer Research, ‘together we will beat cancer’. How many years have they been saying that? Cancer Research is all about drugs, not free and natural ways to heal the body from within.

What if I told you that the best cancer treatment is found in your own body through urine, and you can use urine therapy to put back into your body what it needs. 99.99% of people will automatically state that urine is a waste product that is harmful to ingest, but there are dozens of books and videos to state otherwise. We are all born in urine. We ingest urine in the womb. That’s why babies are born with such soft skin. Research this for yourself, instead of letting your brain react with disgust. Look at the world we are living in today. It’s ill and diseased. Why should people have to take drugs just to survive? Why should there be obesity and disease?

Look at charities like the British Heart Foundation who attack healthy saturated fats like butter and coconut oil in favour of plant based spreads. They don’t explain cholesterol and its benefits, especially for the brain. Low fat does not always equal healthy. The human body needs saturated fats. So called charities like British Heart Foundation are all about drug research, not natural healing. Don’t get me started on the British Heart Foundation charity shops, which are more like expensive furniture shops. A charity shop is meant to help those with less money because it’s RECYCLED STUFF, but most charity shops today are ridiculously expensive, even most items of clothing.

Drugs are always the way for all types of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, arthritis etc when it doesn’t have to be this way. Coconut oil is extremely beneficial for the brain, so could benefit those with diseases like Alzheimer’s / dementia, but instead they recommend these people follow a low fat diet. Cholesterol is necessary for the brain. This video is helpful to explain how one doctor treated her husband’s Alzheimer’s disease.

Are you not tired of the suppression of truth?

It is well known that during pregnancy the immune system is suppressed, and I experienced several chronic coughs during my pregnancy, to which I ingested about 20mls of my own morning urine until the cough subsided, and it did. It didn’t kill me, didn’t kill our baby, yet I was so excited how fast urine therapy worked I wrote a Facebook post, together with a link to the free PDF ‘The Water of Life‘ by John W Armstrong, yet the reactions were mostly ones of disgust. These were people who suffer with disease and pain, because they ask for prayer. I cannot fathom why they would close their mind off to such a simple therapy which has helped thousands of people. Sure, urine does not taste the best, but it can be added to fruit juice, which would completely disguise the taste. Then I was also being privately messaged by another Christian who said I was involved with Hinduism because I was drinking my own urine, which really angered me because I was delivered out of new age thought. Why can people not just read the post that urine therapy cured my chronic cough during pregnancy when I couldn’t take, and didn’t want to take, any over the counter drug that could have harmed our baby. I had read enough about urine therapy in the past to know that it wouldn’t harm us.

Alternatively, a few drops of urine can be added to distilled water, then used in a dropper bottle to place on the tongue. Yes, urine is that powerful.

Do you think big pharma wants healthy people on this planet? No they do not, because healthy people are not profitable for them because they do not need drugs.

Yes, urine therapy worked for me. It has worked several times, every time I have used it. My chronic cough during pregnancy disappeared several days later. The cough was so bad that I could not sleep. Obviously I could not take cough suppressants or over the counter drugs because of the pregnancy, so I turned to ‘my own perfect medicine‘. It is a natural cancer treatment. It is a natural arthritis treatment. It is a natural skin treatment. Urea is a common ingredient found in skin creams, yet it’s freely there in urine.

Before you react like my Facebook friends did, consider what has happened this past three years with the terroristic treatment and propaganda filled advice from our own Governments to get you to take a gene editing jab that has harmed millions and killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, yet those vaccine injured are ridiculed and ignored by Governments and the mainstream media and it’s evil and wrong.

Instead turn off the terrorvision news and read the bible instead for peace and truth. I know people don’t want to realise that your Government wanted you dead, but just look at what they voted for in vaccine passports. This is tyranny. 99.99% of Government members are cowards and not public servants, but instead are puffed up thinking they are entitled and important to ignore such evils that they propagate themselves because it’s easier to follow the crowd than to stand up to highlight the evils like Sir Christopher Chope and Andrew Bridgen.

And want to know what is the best cure for the vaccine injured? Urine therapy. Check out this video

So, contrary to what GPs and modern medicine states is healthy, your own body has its own perfect medicine called urine and when ingested it is a powerful anti cancer treatment, anti-arthritic treatment, and you can even massage it into the skin to treat skin problems. Don’t be closed minded because society has told you from an early age that urine is harmful to ingest, or is a waste product. The ignorance is incredible and so so harmful. The best thing you can do for your own health is to conduct your own research. Ditch Google because it suppresses truth and helpful information and instead use DuckDuckGo or a similar search engine.

Urine is free. Your own urine contains exactly what your body needs to treat any internal issue, and if you can look past the smell and taste, it might just help you. I’m just sharing this post because urine therapy helped me when I was desperate and could not sleep due to a chronic cough during my pregnancy, so if urine therapy could treat my cough in three to five days, what could it do to those with cancer and other autoimmune issues, even the covid 19 vaccine injured.

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional, so please use this information at your own discretion and conduct your own research before undergoing urine therapy. Just because a treatment has worked or cured someone, does not mean that it will have the same effect. f


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