expressing milk

Expressing milk with a hand pump or electric pump can be tiresome. You often will have to hold the cups in place while using the machine, for up to thirty minutes, and it can also be also sore on the nipples. However, expressing milk machines are wonderful as you are giving your baby the best food to build up their little immune systems, plus your breast milk provides them with important antibodies.

However, did you know there is a genius way of expressing milk without using a hand or electric pump. Invest £10 in these plastic breast milk cups.

Expressing Milk With Breast Milk Collection Shells

It’s super easy. Place one cup on the side of the breast that you are not feeding from, and while your baby takes from the breast, your nipples will drip out milk, which will collect in the breast milk collection shells. This is how they look.

expressing milk





So I bet you are wondering, do they really work? Yes they do. Once you are into a good breast feeding routine and your mature milk has come through, your breasts will even leak milk before you’re due to feed your little bambino. I read that even thinking about feeding your little one can cause the let down.

I’m into my 7th week of breastfeeding and I collect around 30mls to 70mls of breast milk in the collection shell per feed, so it’s one to two bottles of free breast milk every day. Sometimes I am lazy and let the milk drip off my nipples, as I’m constantly having to wash and dry the cups, but other than that it will save you expressing milk that you would have otherwise gained from using the hand or electric pump. And my nipples are thankful.

Grab yourself some small glass bottles for milk storage, and your breast milk will keep in the fridge for up to five days. Buy some reusable teats. Use a milk heater to warm up the milk, which takes around twenty minutes to heat to 37 degrees on the second milk setting. As long as you are not feeding your baby with the bottle all the time, your breast milk supply will be fine, as will your baby’s latch, but I hate the breast engorgements, which sets in if I’ve not been feeding her for around six hours.

Invest in a pair of breast milk collection shells today. They are only £7.99 and well worth the small investment.

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