raw milk near me

Are you on a quest to find the best quality raw milk locally? Look no further! Raw milk, straight from the source, has been a cornerstone of our family’s wellness journey, starting even before our little one was born. When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to find a milk farmer near me. However, it wasn’t that easy. However, I don’t think I was searching the Real Milk website correctly because I thought it was only USA farmers who sold this product.

However, at six months pregnant, I looked again.  Then I clicked on Europe, then United Kingdom and found a local farmer close by who delivers raw live milk every Tuesday and we delved into the world of this delicious beverage, and it has remained a staple in our diet, even during the breastfeeding phase. We order between 8 to 12 pints per week and its priced well too at £3.05 for 2 pints.

If you’re curious about the benefits of raw milk and where to find it, read on!

The Raw Milk Advantage: Nature’s Bounty Unfiltered

Raw live milk is, simply put, milk that has not undergone the pasteurisation and homogenisation process. This means that it’s brimming with natural nutrients, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria that can be compromised or lost through the heat-intensive pasteurization process. For us, consuming real milk has been a conscious choice to nourish our bodies with unaltered goodness. Plus, it’s contains lovely lumpy creamy bits throughout and is perfect for those morning coffees! Perfect if you love skin on your coffee or tea!

One of the primary benefits of raw live milk is its nutrient content. It’s packed with essential vitamins like A, D, and K2, as well as B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining healthy bones, a robust immune system, and overall well-being. Moreover, the enzymes present in raw milk aid in digestion, making it easier for our bodies to absorb and utilise these nutrients effectively.

For growing children and infants, unpasteurised milk can play a pivotal role in providing a strong foundation for their development. The natural fats present in raw milk are essential for brain development and maintaining a healthy weight. This was especially important for us during pregnancy, as our baby’s growth and well-being were top priorities.

Our Journey with Raw Jersey Milk: A Family Tradition

Our family embarked on the raw milk journey when I was six months pregnant. We were seeking a wholesome, unprocessed source of nutrition to support both my health and the health of our growing baby. As we delved into research, we discovered the numerous advantages of raw milk and how it could contribute to our overall wellness.

From the very beginning, finding this raw live milk felt like a gift from nature. Its creamy texture and rich flavour were unparalleled, and it became an integral part of our daily routine. When our baby finally arrived, we knew that continuing to consume raw milk during the breastfeeding phase was crucial. The nutrients present in raw milk provided not only the nourishment I needed but also a robust supply of quality breast milk for our little one.

Discovering Raw Milk Near You: Your Path to Wholesome Nourishment

If you’re as intrigued by the wonders of raw milk as we are, you might be wondering where to find this precious resource. Thankfully, there’s an excellent online tool that can guide you in your search for local raw milk farmers: Real Milk. This comprehensive website provides a directory of farmers and producers who offer unpasteurised live milk and other farm-fresh products. By entering your location, you can easily locate a raw milk near me source that aligns with your values of wholesome, unprocessed nutrition. We found Cliftons Farm and their raw jersey milk is delicious, as is their raw cream, ice cream, natural yoghurt and tasty fruit pots.

Real Milk is more than just a directory; it’s a community of individuals and families who recognise the value of consuming foods as nature intended. From grass-fed cows to sustainable practices, the producers listed on Real Milk are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality raw delicious milk available. Let me put it bluntly, the NHS does not want you to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, when they stigmatise nutritious foods like raw milk, organ meats, and cod liver oil, both of which are rich in Vitamin A. If you want to find more about the safety of raw live milk, click here. And yes, I was classified ‘high risk’ being 42 with my first baby, after miscarrying at age 39.

Let’s be honest. Who makes up your mind as to what you eat and drink? Is it the NHS, the media, or YOU? What about saturated fats? Do you believe that they are healthy or a heart attack waiting to happen?

In conclusion, the benefits of unpasteurised, unhomogenised milk are truly remarkable, and our family’s journey with this nutrient-rich beverage has been transformative. From supporting a healthy pregnancy to nourishing our baby during breastfeeding, this wholesome enzyme rich beverage has been an essential part of our wellness story.

What is there to fear? With so much illness and disease in this world, it’s important to stay in tip top health, because big pharma and GPs certainly don’t care about your health – they want you on drugs for life and being on drugs for life equals lots of money for them. Healthy people make no money for them. And, as for the vegan movement, it’s a MOVEMENT started by some unhappy controlling people who feel the need to force others into their boring diet routines.

So, if you’re ready to experience the goodness of raw creamy milk goodness for yourself, head over to Real Milk and discover a local farmer who will say YES to your google query, where can I find raw milk near me. Your path to wholesome nourishment starts here!

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