till movie

The Till movie is one that stays with you. Yes, it contains graphic images of what those monsters did to Emmett Till, and I commend Mamie Till for pushing all of the racism, hate, and injustice from the Mississippi cowards into showing the world the evil that had happened to her son, and that this racism and evil must stop. Emmett was killed. But so was Damiola Taylor, and the toddler James Bulger, and Sylvia Likens, and thousands upon thousands of other children cruelly murdered, kidnapped, or raped, that we may never even know about. Check out Mahyer Tousi for up to date media streaming that the legacy mainstream ignores.

These are children, whether one year old or fourteen years old. This is a child. This was Mamie’s child, just like Damiola, James, and Sylvia’s parents. What would you do if this happened to your child?

Lynching is a word I had to look up.

Lynching is an extrajudicial killing by a group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, punish a convicted transgressor, or intimidate people. It can also be an extreme form of informal group social control, and it is often conducted with the display of a public spectacle for maximum intimidation. Wikipedia

Emmett was so polite and friendly to everyone he met, yet the devil has caused divide in skin colour as shown in the lies told unto death through that ugly hearted liar Carolyn Bryant.

Racism is something I cannot understand or tolerate. It is childish. It is the world that is changing you into who it wants you to be. Desensitised and cruel. It is just skin colour. We all bleed the same colour. We all have wants and needs. We all have love to give.

White people seem to always be painted as the racists in this movie, and what that Carolyn and her husband and friends did to Emmett, should have gotten them capital punishment of the same, an eye for an eye, if Government were actually doing its job to stop evil, but let’s face it most of Government are cowards, bought by big pharma, sell outs to the major corporations. They will all have to stand before God one day to give their account as ‘ministers of God’.

I have experienced racism from the Muslim community, even from teenage children who have laughed and spit on the ground as I walked past. I was bullied at school by Muslim boys who called me a pig. Obviously, their parents are indoctrinating them to hate someone else because of skin colour, because they think they are a superior race or their religion teaches them disrespect toward others, especially women.

The Till movie filled me with such sadness how people can rage their own hate into murdering another human being. A human being whose life started in the womb, who was nurtured for nine months, whose cries led to every one of their needs being met, and yet this 14 year old boy was nothing but punching meat for those monsters.

Murders happen every day. Innocent children and adults lives are destroyed by lies and hate. Ultimately, it’s Satan and his demons that persuade people to carry out these demonic acts of violence, hate, and murder. Hardheartedness is not a good place to be in. To harden your heart to all of the evil and injustice going on in this world. Some days I cry unto God, how can He tolerate such evil.

His patience won’t last forever.

The Till movie is a hard watch, but it will keep your heart soft and make you appreciate your family. There are too many unnecessary violent movies that cause desensitisation, but movies based on true stories stay put. You can watch the Till movie on Amazon Prime. Sign up for a free 30-day trial.

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