
Today I discovered my third natural pregnancy at 44 through the help of the Ava Women fertility tracker. Today I was  due on my period, exactly 28 days. Last night I took a clearblue test and it had a faint positive line. I followed this up with a Clearblue digital how many weeks test this morning, and it turned out ‘not pregnant’. So where was my period since my period is very consistent month by month? I wondered if this digital test could be wrong.


This afternoon I took another digital test, this time the Clearblue 6 days early test, and this time it said ‘pregnant’. I felt elated, yet a little scared. Several hours later, I then took the digital how many weeks test again, and this time it said ‘pregnant 1-2 weeks’.

My first pregnancy at age 39 sadly miscarried at six or seven weeks.

In my second pregnancy just before I turned 42, I was just using a basic ovulation tracker app and going off my previous periods for accuracy in ovulation. I tested on the day I was due my period (28 days again) and I used a cheap test, which had a faint second pink line, and then followed this up with a how many weeks digital Clearblue test. It was a wonderful pregnancy, although the NHS were horrible throughout with their controlling measures. Grace was born at exactly 37 weeks, so it would be 39 weeks if the pregnancy system never went off periods, and instead went off the ovulation period. It was a quick birth, just over three hours, also known as precipitate labour.

Ava Women Fertility Tracker Helps

I invested in the Ava Women fertility bracelet five months ago bought direct from the USA, delivered to address, and shipped to the UK, and according to the statistics it’s been about 149 days I’ve synced, so it’s taken my husband and I about five months during my fertile periods to get pregnant. The Ava Women bracelet is quite amazing. It predicts six fertile days, and there have been two occasions (the last fertile period) when I had not yet even ovulated so this gave my husband and I an extra day to attempt to conceive.

I’m still Breastfeeding

I’m still breastfeeding, and she will be 19 months at the end of this month. I am going to continue to breastfeed throughout this pregnancy. I’m still eating the WAPF diet recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding moms, which contains a lot of fertility superfoods like butter, cod liver oil, liver (in pate), raw milk, bone broths, eggs, and fermented foods like yoghurt and sauerkraut. Basically, I’m eating all of the foods in pregnancy that the NHS tells you not to eat. Beside a methyl folate capsule and an iron tablet, I did not take a prenatal supplement, but got all of my nutrition from food.

The Ava Women fertility bracelet cost around £220 with shipping. It’s designed to be worn at night. You need to sleep for at last four hours for it to track data. Download the Ava Women app and sync your data in the morning. Enter in your last periods and over time the more you sync, the more the Ava Women fertility tracker will predict your fertile periods. I’ve switched the watch over to pregnancy mode, which will detail the pregnancy week by week. Here’s hoping it’s another healthy pregnancy, and I wish you the best of luck if you are trying to conceive naturally.

Final Word

If it’s God’s will for your life to get pregnant in your forties, fifties, thirties, or twenties, it will happen. Do not let the NHS or Google dissuade you from that fact. I read a lot of books in my last pregnancy regarding my rights. I listened to excellent midwife and birthing podcasts. I empowered myself. Hubby and I will still refuse the prenatal ultrasounds this time, as we did with the second pregnancy. At 12 weeks we had a brief scan to determine if it was a viable pregnancy (it was) and at 32 weeks to check on the placenta (healthy) for a natural birth. I’m also rhesus negative and refused the Anti-D in my last pregnancy, and there was minimal blood mixing during labour so I chose not to have the anti-D post birth too.

Check out the fertility teas by Wisdom of the Womb to boost your fertility. There are teas for both women and men.