What do women talk about? We talk about women’s stuff, like how to stop heavy periods, delicious recipes that we have made, our husbands (or boyfriends for other women), and the new skincare products that my friend has made, and gives me to try. It’s so luxurious her skincare range, Aromazone and she has a website, but needs to add her products.

So during our walks she has been talking about her heavy periods. She is vegetarian and eats a high soy diet, think soy based meat alternatives like sausages and bacon, tofu, and soy milk. She has suffered with these heavy periods for a very many years. Could her high soy diet be linked to the heaviness in her periods, she wondered. She is only 42, very slim, but has heavy blood lasting a full seven days. It has been this way for years.

How to Stop Heavy Periods?

My friend cut out soy products. And it has made a HUGE change. She now has periods that last an average three days with her first day a blob of blood here and there, not consistent, day two heavy blood flow, and the third day, browner blood. She has cut soy out completely. These are very popular and advertised on TV. We are being pushed toward a meat-free future, but is this the healthiest diet for our bodies?

If it was a simple dietary change of removing soy-based products that helped my friend to answer her question of, ‘how to stop heavy periods’, then could removing soy in the diet help you too!

What does Soy do the Body?

Text copyrighted from Urbanatural

Women who ingest high levels of soy might find changes in their hormone cycles, as soy can suppress hormones associated with ovulation. Women who consumed 60 g of soy protein experienced decreases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. These changes affected ovulation by suppressing egg production and maturation. These changes could equal decreased fertility for women who consume large amounts of soy. Still, the amount of soy in question is not a commonly consumed amount. It’s equivalent to drinking 36 oz. of soy milk per day for a month, according to Baby Hopes. Further study needs to be conducted to determine the effects of average soy consumption on LH and FSH levels.

Of course, you could skim over this article and want the scientific articles to back all of this up, but human beings are the guinea pigs who suffer from these dietary recommendations, and my friend was one. Her body has now healed since she has removed soy-based products, and she has shorter menstrual cycles.

Hormone Therapies for Boys Harmed by Soy Formula – Weston A Price

Hidden Dangers of Soy in your Diet – Shirley’s Wellness Cafe

Back to the original question. Is there a way to stop heavy periods? Yes, look at your diet and remove soy if you eat a lot of it. Please comment if you have found soy to wreck havoc with your menstrual cycles, and did you experience a positive change when you removed it completely? 

What about myself. Besides a brief period when I turned vegetarian after watching Earthlings, which only lasted about six months when I suffered with too many headaches, I decided that I didn’t have to buy the cheaper meats from the supermarket, but instead chose to buy meats from my local butcher, I have always had very regular periods every 28 days, which lasts an average three days. 

There doesn’t appear to be any books on this subject that I can recommend, but I will certainly ask my friend as to what she read that helped her see that soy products were causing her heavy periods.

I asked her, and the book she read was Heal Your Hormones. While I cannot find the exact name of the book, it could be one of these books from the keyword ‘heal your hormones’. 


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