pyramid rowing workout

If you love a challenging workout, try this bloody brutal pyramid rowing workout. I’ve only had my rowing machine for about 12 months, but I’ve been getting obsessed with it lately. It’s been difficult to learn the correct rowing technique, as I normally row arms before legs, when it should be legs, body, arms, but it’s easier to settle back with the arms, body, legs.

When I am doing correct technique, my times are better, and my arms are less fatigued. I managed 50:54 minutes for 10,000m on Friday, done in 5 x 2000m intervals with a 2 minute rest in between. When done in one sitting, 10,000m has taken me an average 52 to 56 minutes at damper setting 1.

Today, I tried a new workout, which I’ll call the bloody brutal pyramid rowing workout. It would normally look like this:

  • 500m
  • 750m
  • 1000m
  • 1500m
  • 2000m
  • 1500m
  • 1000m
  • 750m
  • 500m

Total meters 9500m.

However, this was my workout, as I love sweat and tough workouts, with 2 minutes in between each interval.

  • 500m
  • 750m
  • 1000m
  • 1500m
  • 2000m
  • 2000m
  • 1500m
  • 1000m
  • 750m
  • 500m

Total meters 11,500.

By interval 7 at 1500m, my rowing technique was poor, as were my times.

Burnt 931 calories.

All in all, this is a bloody brutal pyramid rowing workout on the Concept 2, but I feel great afterward. I love the Concept 2, as you can set the various intervals in a new workout. Total workout time 57:41.3.

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