This is my third post as an affiliate marketer for Lintro. Once I’ve tried something (and loved it), I’ll always look for an affiliate sign up link. So I’ve tried candles, soy wax melts, and water aroma diffusers in my home, but once I discovered the Lintro waterless aroma diffuser, of which you just add a 5ml or 10ml bottle of pure essential oil, and turn it on, the Lintro diffuser sprays a fine mistcontinue reading…

There is no doubt that waterless aroma diffuser machines exist. but have you looked at the price of some? Over £100. What if I told you that the Lintro waterless aroma diffuser was less than £40 and it will help your home and car smell of pure essential oil of whatever fragrance you choose. I first discovered this product via Amazon, when it was on sale, but it’s since bumped up to just under £50.continue reading…