the modern milkman

When you are looking for doorstep delivery services of milk, cheese, bread, and other food products, you need to choose a reliable milk delivery service.

Is there a reliable delivery service?

I know that many people have rated The Modern Milkman as an excellent doorstep delivery service, but I experienced problems on two occasions and was forced to cancel. The customer service is easy to contact, however they have no phone number, as I wrote in this post. I am since a member again for egg delivery as some supermarket companies like Lidl only customers to buy two or three boxes of six eggs, and I buy four or five boxes each week.

However, in their effort to encourage you to reduce plastic waste, they deliver milk in glass bottles, which they promise to pick up again. I liked the option of fresh butter, different milks like sterilized and oat milk, and fresh free range eggs.

I hope that you have better luck with your doorstep delivery of milk through The Modern Milkman, but it just wasn’t a reliable enough service for my liking, and I’ve now moved to Creamline Dairies, and thankfully my first order of organic whole milk was delightfully delivered on time, so my morning coffee with Pact Coffee was delicious.

I’ve since switched onto organic raw milk and it’s delicious and a superfood, contrary to what the usual media companies and health ‘sperts’ state.

You can find The Modern Milkman promo codes here to help you save off this doorstep milk delivery service provider.

Earn 2 Percent Zilch Rewards at The Modern Milkman

Earn 2 percent Modern Milkman cashback through Zilch, as they are a listed merchant. Find out how below:

  1. Join Zilch.
  2. Verify your identification and include your usual debit card details.
  3. To earn your free fiver (500 in Zilch reward points), make your first contactless, or tap & pay purchase at any internal store.
  4. Visit the Zilch website or download the Zilch app and search ‘The Modern Milkman’ in merchants.
  5. To earn the 2% cashback in Zilch rewards, choose ‘pay now’.
  6. Enable your card and you’ll be immediately taken to the Modern Milkman website.
  7. Make sure that you complete your purchase within two hours by paying with your Zilch virtual Mastercard at The Modern Milkman and earn 2% cashback in Zilch rewards. You could already have chosen your products, added them to your cart, and then when it comes to payment simply open the Zilch app, search ‘The Modern Milkman’ and ‘pay now’ then enable card, and return to your existing screen to make the payment. If Zilch asks you to verify the payment, head back to the app, click on purchases, accept any open purchases, then return to The Modern Milkman.
  8. If you prefer to use your 500 free Zilch rewards against your The Modern Milkman purchase, then click ‘Use £____ rewards, apply this to your purchase’ just before you choose ‘pay now’ or ‘pay over six weeks’.
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50% OFF

50% off First 2 Weeks at Modern Milkman

Check out the seasonal offers at Modern Milkman and apply this discount code to save 50% off your first two weeks of orders. Order before 8PM for delivery either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.

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£15 OFF

£15 off The Modern Milkman

Shop the festive season goodies at The Modern Milkman and get £5 off first three weeks with this referral link. Choose from Monday, Wednesday or Friday orders and it's completely free over £10, but check the T&C before order.

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25% OFF

25% off The Modern Milkman

Fancy trying a milk and food subscription with The Modern Milkman? Add this Modern Milkman discount code for 25% off your order.

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£5 off The Modern Milkman First 4 Weeks

Subscribe to The Modern Milkman delivery and enjoy £5 off your first 4 weeks with this exclusive referral promo code.

the modern milkman

£5 Off The Modern Milkman First 4 Weeks



Subscribe to The Modern Milkman delivery and enjoy £5 off your first 4 weeks with this exclusive referral promo code.
the modern milkman

25% Off The Modern Milkman



Fancy trying a milk and food subscription with The Modern Milkman? Add this Modern Milkman discount code for 25% off your order.
the modern milkman

50% off First 2 Weeks at Modern Milkman



Check out the seasonal offers at Modern Milkman and apply this discount code to save 50% off your first two weeks of orders. Order before 8PM for delivery either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
the modern milkman

£15 off The Modern Milkman



Shop the festive season goodies at The Modern Milkman and get £5 off first three weeks with this referral link. Choose from Monday, Wednesday or Friday orders and it's completely free over £10, but check the T&C before order.


  1. Author

    Only signed up with the Modern Milkman several days ago, with the first delivery this morning. The bottle tops were not delivered, but it was quick to get my refund via the app, which they promise will be deducted off next week’s order.
    I also made a change to Friday’s order, and took off a bottle of sterilised milk, but it’s difficult to see where my credit is for this in the app, and they have no phone number, only a chat bot, so I’ll be keeping my eye on the payment for next week’s order.
    So overall, for the first delivery it’s not looking good that they forgot to deliver the milk bottle tops.
    Would prefer if they took cash, as it’s only online payments.

  2. Ran out of milk Thursday evening. I was looking forward to my ‘bulk’ order of whole milk, sterilised milk, oat milk, butter, double cream and eggs. When I opened the door at 9.30am, I saw NOTHING.
    The empties were still there, and yet on the app they said they had delivered.
    The Modern Milkman is unreliable, and I have sought a milkman through Creamline Dairies.

  3. Author

    Had two deliveries by The Modern Milkman.
    Wednesday – awaiting 2 bottles of milk and a pack of silicone lids.
    Only milk was delivered, but it was outside our house.
    Friday – awaiting a dozen eggs, pint of oat milk, 2 pints whole milk, 1 pint sterilised milk, cream, butter
    No delivery.
    Fast forward to today, 18 July 2022, and the ten year old kid next door says, ‘Oh and thanks for the milk’. The thieving toe rag took our milk, butter, eggs, and cream.
    And for days I’ve had a saucepan outside of my house clearly showing that the milk was being delivered to me. Now, of course the milkman could have delivered to No.5, and I am at no.4, but the milk on Weds was delivered to my house.
    It’s so rude. You just do not take someone else’s order that is clearly not your own. I have wrote to the Modern Milkman and resubscribed.

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